ᐅ BEST 10 Lines Essay About Planet Earth in English

Are you confused about where to get the best 10 sentences about planet earth? Get top-quality planet earth 10 lines paragraph with the best sample only at yourhop.com 10 Lines on Planet Earth Earth is our planet and our home that supports living. Earth is also known as the blue planet because it looks blue from space. More that 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water in oceans and the rest is covered with land, forest and deserts. Earth has an atmosphere consisting of many gases like Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon-dioxide and other gases. The earth’s atmosphere has an ozone layer at the top which protects us from the sun rays because it’s harmful for living. Earth is the one of the planets of our solar system that resolves around the sun. Earth is full of natural resources like metal, food, water and others. There is an International Earth day on 22nd April that we celebrate every year for the conversation of our resources and to protect our planet. It...