Diwali Introduction Essay with Short Paragraph Format

Diwali is one of the biggest festival on the earth which is celebrated across the world, But very dedicated celebration done in country India, on this day you can see a different image of every Indian city and village, even the old houses are covers with lightning decoration.

the market is fully packed with peoples, they buy different different things like clothes, jewellery, furniture and house decorating product, this all make a special moment to everyone, also this is special attraction for tourist.

Before the Diwali starting every house is clean by the family member, to ensure the house look well-decorated on Diwali,

the sweet is exchange between the friend and family relatives, also various wishing Send throw social media platform which gives close connection to the relative which is away from us.

This all things happen on the day of Diwali, we can also say that this is the biggest mankind festival where million of people celebrate the happiness of life.

From all age group people who celebrate Diwali one of them is kids they enjoy more than other, wear new clothes, eat lots of sweet and enjoy firework and shopping throw all days.

Why we celebrate Diwali

Diwali has celebrated for return and welcoming of Lord Rama after defeating the symbol of evil Rawan. which is basically the king of Lanka, which is today Sri Lanka country, He kidnap Mata Sita which is wife of Lord Rama.

Ravan also kills various innocent people, due to the increase of its power and did various inappropriate work, so taking the Revenge of all these things Lord Vishnu born in the form of Lord Rama and chose the way of Mata Sita kidnapping to kill Ravan and free the earth from Evil person.

The day which Lord Rama killed Ravana called Dussehra which is also a very famous festival in Hindu religion. when Rama killed Ravan and come back to Ayodhya, which is currently in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, this journey take 20 days and in the 21st day Lord Rama return home.

When they return home the people of Ayodhya welcome very well with completely decorated Ayodhya.

The various event is conducted in Ayodhya that day, which is include cleaning of housing, dancing music performance, lightning with the help of Diya. Also, people wear new good looking dresses to celebrate the Homecoming of Lord Rama and this day become famous as the festival of Diwali which is celebrated today date.

Importance of Diwali

  1. Diwali festival gives the opportunity to the family member to come closer to each other, Because in present busy Lifestyle, when we spend time with our relative, it decreases our stress and increase love and bonding, which is really important for the happy family.

  2. In the festival of Diwali, people who are working with clay soil product receiving the opportunity to sell product and make some money, Which help in maintaining Indian Heritage culture.

  3. Diwali comes with clean houses, because before Diwali we cleaning our houses, changing furniture painting the wall. which refresh our environment of working and when we work in this environment we feel happy about doing something.

  4. Diwali gives the boost to economy, because they consumption and production increase in the market, Because the people ready to buy the product, which is good for a developing country like India.

  5. Diwali festival gives equal opportunity to make money for small medium and large businessman by various mean which provides also employment to other workers, which are working on the company.

Pollution, Health and Other Disadvantages of Diwali

  1. On the Diwali large amount of firework is done by children and adult, which increase the level of pollution on very high and dangerous level. due to this lots of people facing the various problem, related to eyes and skin, even some people face problem in breathing which is not good for the healthy.

  2. On Diwali large amount of light is produced which consume high electricity also large use of oil, which is wastage of our resources and harmful for the nature.

  3. Deepavali is celebrated by exchanging the sweet to our relatives and friends, But some bad people take advantage of that and make an unhealthy sweet which is harmful to our body, also sometime we eat more than enough due to a large amount of present of sweet and this give bad effect to our body.

  4. The various type of animal and Bird face life losing situation due to Firework and this decrease our wildlife.

  5. People spend more than necessary in the various product only for the purpose of showing off to his neighbor this money can be used for other important purposes.

  6. Lots of people injured during the Diwali because of Firework.

How to celebrate Pollution Free Echo friendly diwali

  1. In deepawali, lots of shopping is done and all these product is packed in the plastic bag, we know plastic is not good for the environment even animal eat the plastic bag which is blocked in stomach and give a deadly effect to them.

  2. so as possible as avoiding the use of plastic bag. If possible use recyclable and easily biodegradable bag which is available in the market, just some little high price then plastic bag but it gave a long term good effect to our environment and also for soil.

  3. If possible used eco-friendly cracker which not produce the pollution and only gives cracker like sound. because firework gives bad Effect to our health, also birds in the sky face really big problem due to Firework.

  4. Use basic lighting only To help in decreasing Light Pollution

  5. Because some people use very high excessive lighting decoration in their home with not only give the burden of Bill but also give environmental effect because lots of coal is used in the production of electricity. which produced air pollution.

  6. On the occasion of Deepavali give a plant gift to our relative and friends which give environmental friendly culture to our society.

  7. Earthen lamp and Diya are the product which is eco-friendly to our nature if we compare with electric product which contains plastic and recycling of this product is not an easy task. but the earthen product is recycled automatically, and this product also related to our culture and history which is really important to preserve history.

  8. So Buy adopting these some little things we make a happy Echo friendly Diwali which is really happy to everyone. Which also give proud feeling to us


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